Capital Casino offers over 60 interactive games,
including six progressive slots and three progressive
games that have paid out some of the largest online
jackpots in history!
All commercial transactions at Capital Casino are
facilitated by Proc-Cyber Services, a well-known and
established e-cash merchant. Which means you can rest
assured that all your credit card transactions are 100%
secured by digital encryption as well as a unique
password and account number. Online banking can be done
through a variety of safe and user-friendly methods like
Firepay, Paypal, ACH, Wire transfers or credit cards.
Apart from a loyalty program that rewards you from the
moment you sign up, Capital Casino boasts Vegas odds and
better. Payout percentages are reviewed monthly by one
of the world's largest auditing firms.
**Current Promotion** Capital Casino will give you
either $50 or $110 Free when you download the free
software and open a real account. Once you've opened
your REAL account and made your first purchase of either
$50 or $100, Capital Casino will match it with $50 and
$110 respectively!!